From Russia With Love - The Spotnicks - Covid Vacine Spuntick V

From Russia With Love - The Spotnicks
Sputnik V,

Vacina Russa - contra o novo coronavírus (covid-19)

The Spotnicks - The Rocket Man (1962)

ちっち・ストロベリーパフェ 4 ~ブルドック、逃亡者、朝日のあたる家

ちっち・ストロベリーパフェ 4 ~ブルドック、逃亡者、朝日のあたる家

Last of the Mohicans (Guitar instrumental)

Last of the Mohicans (main theme), from the film of the same name.

Apache - Ventures 30th Anniversary === with Peter Frampton

Apache - Ventures 30th Anniversary

 === with Peter Frampton===

19 Hawaii Five-O ハワイ・ファイヴ・オー - Ventures 45th Anniversary

19 Hawaii Five-O 
 Ventures 45th Anniversary 
 Ventures 45th Anniversary
19 Hawaii Five-O ハワイ・ファイヴ・オ